Fatal errors in the forex market - جنتنا

Fatal errors in the forex market

To achieve success in trading in the Forex Trading market requires avoid many of the pitfalls. Those pitfalls that may stand in the face rolling in the forex market, which prevents him from successful implementation of the deals and get the gains. In fact, the most seasoned traders follow specific methodologies for trading, these methodologies that have made them successful traders, there are general rules that abide by these traders meticulously.

 The seven deadly mistakes
First, the failure to get a trading plan before you start trading.
The inability to build a specific plan of action before entering into transactions in the currency trading market is common among novice traders, as they begin start trading without determining the appropriate time to enter and exit or currency pair to be traded or money that can be traded volume. The presence of a pre-defined plan with the traders before you start trading, it would provide them the right way, which they must Askouh for gains and avoid losses, and would keep them away from the confusion in the market when you get unforeseen events.
Second, inadequate business assets or the inability to manage money.
Make sure you do not need a fortune to trade in the market successfully. Where a trader can trade at less than 5.000 However it may succeed harvesting a lot of profit in this market. Can dealers trading with $ 50,000 or more to lose everything. Is no amount of working capital is the basis, but the key here is the way you manage money properly, Indeed, trading involve a lot of risk, you will have to learn how to manage risk in forex trading market.
Third, very high, or very close to expectations.
You may feel disappointed when expectations begin to make trading in the Forex market as part of the monthly salary, especially in the first few years of trading. But you have to realize you are not going to become a successful doctor or lawyer or the employer in the first few years of practice. Where you need to work hard and persevere to achieve success in any field of work, and trading in the Forex trading market is no different from other fields of work. That currency trading is not an easy process, and make sure that the "get rich quick" is pure fantasy.
Fourth: the lack of "patience" and "discipline."
While these tufts are required for many types of business, but it may lack many of the traders in different markets. Do not trade rashly. But you must study the market and then make decisions wisely. And you have to adapt to the market and do not oppose it, there is nothing one can alter or manipulate a market.
Fifth: keep loss-making deals for a long time.
The most successful traders do not take Time off in a bad deal, and giving it a long time, hoping thereby to turn losses into profits. Where you usually see some traders remain on the losing trades wishing market turned in their favor.
Sixth: excessive trading.
A very large number of transactions in the market trading at the same time is a grave mistake, especially if you have many loss-making deals. Then you will build up trading losses you have, apart from the presence of the temptations to make more trades to recover business assets that were lost, they process that takes a lot of focus by the merchant.
Seventh: not to accept full responsibility for your actions.
When you have a losing trades do not blame the mediator or anyone else. You are responsible for the success or failure of your transactions. Thou His business decisions.
In the end, I would say that will help you avoid the above errors may bring you many benefits and experience in forex trading market, and make sure you are going to go wrong and you will lose, but in the end you will get the gains when adopting considerable experience in this area.

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