How to keep your profits trading Forex? - جنتنا

How to keep your profits trading Forex?

In forex trading, you have undoubtedly read about financial management more than once. Risk management associated with the trades must be of natural things for expert traders, but few of them apply them in their trades in the forex. How do you transform risk management from just a word spoken to a key part of your trading strategy? Any investment includes the probability of high profit includes the probability of high risk. The main principle of risk management is to be careful and in control of your money before taking any action. This can be a simple way to control your account, as well as help you avoid the side appeals.

 1. Never put any trading without a stop loss point
Risk Management can help you put out a stop loss on any transaction of any situation that might result in a significant loss during one trading process. You may think you read this as is evident, but there are still traders who do not use stop loss points. The worst of it, that this might be by traders at brokerage firms in the Forex on their client accounts. It is sad but true.
2. Always be aware of the money you are risking by
There are plenty of ways for financial management in Forex. Most of these methods focus on the risk / return rate. Often this rate will be at 2: 1 or 3: 1 in some cases, and it is a good thing. But at the same time, it ignores many of the dealers a lot of dollars that risk in both trading and whether or not a large operation.
There are two ways to reduce the money and risk management in your trading:
- Select the points stop loss narrower: While identifying a breakpoint loss narrower and looks like a strategy to lose less money in a losing trading process, in fact it may not be the best moves you make. Determining a breakpoint narrow loss is possible in fact to put your trades in a position more risky. Reduce the money that you run the risk of him does not mean that you have to increase the chance of access to the stop-loss point, and should not be dependent on the amount of money that is being traded.
- Reduce the size of the situation: the smaller the size of positivism is able to give you the option selecting a point loss stopped at the appropriate level, and you risk the least amount of money. However, the amount of the yield decline is the other. While the majority of traders are trying to trade big the conditions, we must remember that we are deliberating deliberative money with added strength, and not real money we possess. By minimizing the volume of trading and risk control management, you can still trade the full up position.
Which brings us to the most important rule in risk management:
- Never risk more than 2% of your account per trade:
This rule may seem overly strict, but traders experts know how important it is not to risk a lot in one trading process. Market moves constantly and will always have the opportunity to deliberate as long as you have the money to trade him. Base 2% application will help you to stay in the market for a longer period and risk management well to the permanent collection of long-term profits.
Having a Forex demo account is a good thing for trading, but only by trading real money will feel the psychological pressure on risking real money. But by the beginning simply by applying the base 2% in trading strategy, it is supposed to feel tangible changes.

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