نشرت صحيفة "إندبندنت" قصّة شابّة جميلة تُدعى كلوي جوردن من وولفرهامبتون البريطانية والبالغة من العمر 21 عامًا.
ولفتت الصحيفة الى أنّ كلوي تمكّنت من إنقاذ حياتها من خلال صورة التقطتها على طريقة "سيلفي"، عندما كانت ترتدي بكيني.
كلوي قد أهملت الشامة التي كانت تظهر على بطنها، والتي تغيّر لونها
وحجمها، واكتشفت فيما بعد أنّها علامة على إصابتها بسرطان الجلد والذي يمكن
أن يتّسع ويصيب أعضاءً أخرى.
نشرت كلوي صور بطنها قبل وبعد إجرائها عملية جراحيّة، وهي لا تزال تخضع
للعلاج، والعبرة من قصّة هذه الفتاة هي التنبّه من الشامات وعدم إهمالها،
فقد تكون مؤشرًا خطيرًا.

cloejordan_xI wasnt going to post anything on social media but seeing my scars today has really brought it home. I was diagnosed with skin cancer a few months ago and have undergone an operation to try and remove it, Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the UK, and rates continue to rise.
At least 100,000 new cases are now diagnosed each year, and the disease kills over 2,500 people each year in the UK - that's seven people every day. I have never really been someone to frequently use sunbeds and expose myself to sun however I am guilty of doing it every now and again. Seriously guys jumping on the bed for that quick 10 minute holiday is really not worth it. Look after your skin! #skincancer #cancer #cancersucks #protection #skin #sun #sunbed #beatcancer #pale #tanning #tan
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chelseajanerennie.xxHope you feeling better soon, and make a speed recover 😘 xx
stephaniedancerCan't believe it. get well soon xx
baz_4.20And we'll get through it together I love you so much and I'm so proud of you ❤❤❤❤❤
cloejordan_x@baz_4.20 we will indeed! Love you too and thank you for everything 💜💜
baz_4.20@cloejordan_x this is just another thing you'll beat 💪💪❤❤❤
sunnymadzGet well soon!! 🙏💪
ghosttt_rsLove you clo ❤️
cloejordan_x@ghosttt_23 love you to dem
catersreallifeHey @cloejordan_x I hope you're recovering well! I write for all the national newspapers and women's magazines. Would you be interested in sharing your experiences to raise awareness for skin cancer? It would be a great opportunity to illustrate the importance of protecting your skin, something that will save lives. If you'd like to know more, please email; charlotte@catersnews.com or DM me on here :) Thanks, Charlotte xx
highquartersA Daily Motivational Quote Can Change Your Life. Here's ours for you "Love yourself. Know your worth. Accept growth. Appreciate life. These things will help you through ANY situation. ✌✌
captamerica31I always go on aswel.. thanku 👍🏽
omar_z.wHope ur good 👊❤
alejozapata75Yo aré Bery beauty congratulation for your strength.... kisses...
cindy_jahI don't understand.. Why that shape?? 😕
cmndrdataMy father was diagnosed with melanoma that had spread to his internal organs in November 2014. He was gone by February 2015. I'm glad you found it early and are making changes to avoid the sun.
cloejordan_x@cmndrdata I'm so sorry to hear that, thank you for sharing x
iron_ash_sanghaI actually just seen your story on fb. Hope your doing well and on the mend. Big hugs. 💪
gracie_white1991How did you know you had cancer? Do you have a before picture?
em_loum@gracie_white1991 I wanna know as well, I have a few spots freaking me out
cloejordan_x@gracie_white1991 I can send you a picture of you like?
cloejordan_x@emlouiiss I will send you a picture
gracie_white1991Can you please? I used the tanning bed in highschool for a year and 2 years in college to get base tans for spring break and now I have moles all over my stomach and it's freaking me out.
gracie_white1991My mom has them too so I think it's mostly genetic but I'm sure I'll get what's coming after being in the sun as much as I have unfortunately
aamunoz78Tomografia Optica Cutanea Multiespectal: Nueva tecnica de #analisis auxiliar de la #dermatosopia #multiespectral que nos permite hacer pesquiza de #lunares que posiblemente pudiera ser maligno o no
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