Download Translucent Substratum Theme 3.68 APK Patched - جنتنا

Download Translucent Substratum Theme 3.68 APK Patched

This theme is designed and confirmed to run better in stock Nougat, Oreo, Samsung Galaxy S9 with Oreo 8.0 and Pie 9.0 One UI, Samsung Galaxy S7 with only Oreo, OnePlus 6T and roms of AOSP, as well as all Pixel devices with stock and Custom roms !! Any other thing, please be careful or ask before buying and I will let you know! It will also run well on most custom roms! IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER Samsung phone, ask before you buy, YOU'LL HAVE PROBLEMS! Supported Android (7.0 and up) Nougat (7.0 – 7.1.1),Oreo (8.0-8.1), Pie(9.0)
  Download Translucent Substratum Theme 3.68 APK Patched

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